Thursday, August 13, 2009

Consolidating Your Steps

We have all come to work, had our shift meeting, straightened up our sections and prepared for the evening's business. Then found after all the preparation, a long period of time goes by and nothing happens... no tables come in, a few people are sitting at the bar and we are all in the back standing around. The wait, though not profitable, allows us time to catch up the day's events and entertain ideas of what to do after work. Then BAM... the 7pm rush. We have been waiting so long that we are lethargic, unprepared and in the middle of a great story!

Uh oh... the host staff just triple sat me and a few other servers. We are now running around like chickens with our heads cut off because we know that we are two steps away from taking the restaurant down like the Titanic! What to do?

As a long time server and manager, I've found that by consolidating your steps and treating all of your tables as one will help out tremendously.

When your tables are all sat at once, they will be expecting the same thing: Greeting, drink order, bread and then their drinks themselves. So how do you do this with 3 tables all at once?
1) ring in all of your bar drinks first
2) prepare all of your non-alcoholic beverages on a tray
3) put all the bread and butters on the tray (last)
4) go to the bar and get the alcohol (It takes awhile depending on if the bar is busy with happy hour or behind on juicing and cutting fruit)
5) If your tray is too full, ask someone to follow you. Your section is usually in one specific area. Thus, allowing that person to set down the other tray (preferably the bread and butter) so you don't run back and forth between trays and looking at your captain's pad like Rainman.
6) Deliver drinks and bread to each table and tell them you will be back momentarily to go over the menu.
7) Then once you've completed doing your rounds to all your tables with beverages and bread, go back to the 1st table sat.
8) Give your spiel, answer questions. If ready, take the entire order to cut down on running back and forth.
9) Go to the 2nd table ... REPEAT.
10) The 3rd, the same.

***Sometimes you get lucky and everyone is ready. In reality, not usually. So if you see a table is going to be time consuming- 6 old ladies that will rundown their medical history, etc., ring in your orders as you get them.***

I do strongly recommend doing this unless you are not very quick on the micros, aloha, POS. If you feel you are getting behind the 8 ball and you don't write like a doctor on your captain's pad, then see if someone will help you by ringing it in. Ask a manager... we don't mind usually. Not to mention, we are much more accurate and faster on the system.

After all tables have been watered, breaded, spieled and possibly had their orders taken, move the entire section to the next phase.....


1)any special requests (extra butter, more lemons, training wheels for an alcoholic beverage, whatever) get first.
2) Simultaneously, if you have tables that ordered appetizers, add plates and any extra silverware need (spoon if soup, hot towels,etc.) on the tray.
3) drop them all off and check drink levels
4) Refill drinks as necessary
5)Check on any soups, salads, appetizers that should be coming out within minutes

Now that you've delivered your 1st courses, start preparing for the next step....clearing and next course.
1) Do your 2 bite,2 minute checkback first. Make sure everyone is good.
2) Always have a tray with you so that you can clear as you go. Some people scoff the 1st course down.
3) CRUMB, CRUMB, CRUMB... using your crumber and a side plate... not your hand, not brushing it on the floor like at home... not a tray... a small side plate to gather the crumbs!!!
4) Have a marking plate available to reset their silverware for next course. Do this immediately. Sometimes the kitchen knocks entrees out and you are unprepared. It pisses off the runner, iritates the guest and makes you look like you don't know what you're doing.
5) When finished going to all tables, sweep your section one last time for any stray plates, more refills, more bread. You know in the South, bread is a vegetable... so keep it filled people!
1) Entrees now come out.
2) 2 minute/2 bite check back again. If someone is iffy and responds "uh.. it's okay," FIX IT RIGHT THERE, if you don't... you will eventually with a manager or recook or whatever.
3) Refill drinks again, now leave them alone.
POS System
1) Now is the time to bring all checks up to date... non-alcoholic beverages rung in (don't forget bottled water people!!!!)
2) Any items needing to be voided or comp'd
3) I'd even suggest that if you think your tables might be getting coffee... get some cups warmed up... make sure there are creamers filled, sugar caddies on the table, enough saucers.
(This is the moment you see if your teammates have done their sidework... if they haven't... you better get on it!!!)
4) Clear entree plates when EVERYONE is finished or if they have pushed the item aside.
5) I recommend offering coffee TO ALL AT THE TABLE when the first plate is cleared.
6) If you have timed things right, all three tables should be remotely close to the same cycle and will be needing coffee also.
Well, I hope this helps. As easy as this all sounds, I cannot tell you how many times I find servers weeded from running back and forth and not stopping, breathing, thinking and consolidating.

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